
Owner attitudes regarding behavioral medications

A heartfelt thank you to two of the researchers—Karen van Haaften, DVM, DACVB and Emma Grigg, PhD, CAAB —for sharing their feedback for this blog article! Behavioral— or psychoactive— medication can be an important aspect of treatment for behavior issues in dogs. Many of the readers are probably more familiar with the term ‘behavioral’ medication… Continue reading Owner attitudes regarding behavioral medications

Promoting wellbeing in our animals

Health, welfare, and emotional wellbeing are intimately and inextricably connected. An animal’s health impacts their emotional state and their emotional state impacts their health. The way an animal perceives and responds to the world around them speaks to their stress coping skills and that, in turn, has a profound impact on health and emotional wellbeing.… Continue reading Promoting wellbeing in our animals

Impulsivity in Dogs – What Do We Know?

Impulse control. It’s a hot topic in dog training right now. There are many opinions about what impulse control is, how to improve it, and how it impacts behavior.  Many people associate unwanted behavior with poor impulse control in dogs.  For example, trainers often attribute difficultly learning stay, jumping on people, or running through doors… Continue reading Impulsivity in Dogs – What Do We Know?

How to Manage Your Dog’s Indoor Energy Level – Updated for COVID-19

Hello everyone!  I hope you are are staying safe and healthy!  This is a reposting of an article I wrote quite some time ago about managing your dog’s indoor energy level.  This seems very timely now so I am reposting along with some edits to make sure it’s compatible with the current situation. One of… Continue reading How to Manage Your Dog’s Indoor Energy Level – Updated for COVID-19

Three common misunderstandings about science

With the entire world being in the midst of a pandemic right now, many people are turning to scientists for answers.  Now seems like a good time to address some common misunderstandings about science. This applies just as much to dog training and behavior as infectious diseases! When our field first began, there was very… Continue reading Three common misunderstandings about science

What is Stress?

Think of the last time you felt stressed. Perhaps it was something as simple as running late for work, or something more serious, like being in a car accident. When you’re stressed, your heart races, your breathing increases, you feel tense and you are probably not thinking very clearly. Now think of the last time… Continue reading What is Stress?

Morgan’s Cannon: the danger of assumptions goes both ways

  We never arrive where we’re at on our own. My current knowledge and perspectives have been shaped by others in the field. The ability to pass on information has allowed humans to build on the accumulated wisdom of many generations before us. This has inspired me to create a series of blog articles based… Continue reading Morgan’s Cannon: the danger of assumptions goes both ways

How does past stress impact fear today?

Does stress impact learning and memory?  You bet it does! Stress impacts these processes in several different ways. Today I am going to focus on the impact of stress on fear.  First, we need to define some terms. Basic Definitions Stress occurs when an animal experiences a challenge to the status quo. This triggers a… Continue reading How does past stress impact fear today?

Lost in Translation: Sorting through commonly confused learning terms

Leena barks, lunges and generally loses her mind when she sees other dogs on a walk.  Her owner and I are walking in the park so I can teach the owner how to change Leena’s behavior.  When we see another dog at a distance, Leena freezes and her head comes up, mouth closed.  She’s about… Continue reading Lost in Translation: Sorting through commonly confused learning terms

Research Bites – Coming in January!

Hello everyone!  It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted, but I have been busily working on a new project behind the scenes.  I am thrilled to announce the launch of Research Bites this coming January 2020! What is Research Bites? Finding, reading and interpreting current journal articles can be overwhelming and frustrating.  Research Bites… Continue reading Research Bites – Coming in January!